Salesforce Optimization Plan

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Get the Most Out of Your Salesforce Investment

Are you using Salesforce to its fullest potential?

Ivory Digital offers a Salesforce Optimization plan to help you get the most out of your Salesforce investment. As part of the plan, Ivory Digital will review and assess your current Salesforce environment and your use of Salesforce. Then, we will provide specific, actionable recommendations for adapting your environment to better meet your business needs. The custom plan will include:

  1. Immediate Recommendations – Recommendations for quick feature activations or changes to Salesforce               that can add value right away
  2. Near Term Recommendations – Recommendations to implement Salesforce enhancements and third party           applications based on “best practices” use of Salesforce
  3. Long Range Road Map – Based on your business priorities and goals, a high level road map of major                         Salesforce functions that can be rolled out over time

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